In the field of training, PT LAPI ITB provides service which includes:


Training package can be adjusted to the client’s company request and conducted at the place where the client’s company is located. Training material is prepared comprehensively and gradually for a holistic mastery of the knowledge.


PT. LAPI ITB provides special services in the form of:

  1. Certification, using national and international standards through cooperation with national/ international institutions having competency in their respective field;
  2. Seminar/training/workshop on the most up-to-date topics.
Jasa Instruktur Eksternal Materi In-Class And Post-Class Program Pengembangan Kepala Kantor Cabang Kelas Utama
Executive Development Program
Training of Produced Water Management
Training Oil and Gas Operations
Pelatihan Transportasi Migas
Training of Surface Production Operation
Quantity Assurance (QAS) Training
Pelatihan Oil & Gas Operations Batch 2
Training of Gas Dehydration and Gas Sweetening Design
Training of Petroleum Engineering for Non Petroleum Engineers
Training for Integrated Production Optimization of Oil & Gas Production System
Training Oil and Gas Operations Batch 2
Integrated Production Optimization of Oil & Gas Production System
Training for Integrated Production Optimization of Oil & Gas Production
Oil & Gas Operations Training
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Oil and Gas Operations Training
/storage//filemanager/pelatihan/WhatsApp Image 2024-08-22 at 17.17.56.jpeg
Applied Fundamental Geostatistics for Mineral and Coal Resources and Reserves Estimation
Geomechanics and Rock Mechanics Applications in CCS/CCUS Training
Training of Trainers Upskilling Priority Account Executive "Salesforce Management Chapter II" (Delivery)
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Ideation Leadership Development Program (LDP)
/storage//filemanager/pelatihan/InHouse Training Supervisorevel.jpeg
In House Leadership Training Program (Sec Head & Supervisor Level)
ICT Learning Executive Education II Batch 14 of 2022
/storage//filemanager/pelatihan/Training - Pelatihan Analisis Data Kewilayahan bagi Perencanaan dan Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air.jpg
Regional Data Analysis Training for Water Resource Planning and Management
/storage//filemanager/pelatihan/Training - Workshop Life Cycle Assessment, PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali.jpg
Life Cycle Assessment Workshop
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Management and Information Technology Training
/storage//filemanager/pelatihan/Training of Lubrication Fundamentals and Lube Oil Analysis (2008).jpg
Lubrication Fundamentals and Lube Oil Analysis Training
/storage//filemanager/pelatihan/Training of Electrical Mechanical.JPG
Electrical Mechanical Training
/storage//filemanager/pelatihan/Training of Continuing Education for Professional.JPG
Continuing Education for Professional Training
/storage//filemanager/pelatihan/Training for Management and Operation of Oil and Gas Fuel Stockpiling and Distribution Installation Facilities (2006).jpg
Management and Operation of Oil and Gas Fuel Stockpiling and Distribution Installation Facilities Training
/storage//filemanager/pelatihan/Mining Economics Training.jpg
Mining Economics Training
/storage//filemanager/pelatihan/International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO).JPG
International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO)
/storage//filemanager/pelatihan/2014 - Conoco Phillips Indonesia - Welding Technology & NDT Training for user.JPG
Welding Technology & NDT Training for User
/storage//filemanager/pelatihan/2014 - Conoco Phillips Indonesia - Basic Process Engineering for non-Process Engineer Training.jpg
Basic Process Engineering for Non-Process Engineer Training
/storage//filemanager/pelatihan/2019-2021 - PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk - Capacity Building (3).JPG
Capacity Building
phone :
+62 22 2534178
Email :
Fax :
+62 22 2534199
Website : :
Address : :
B Building – ITB, Ganesha Street No. 15-B, Bandung – Indonesia, 40132