STEAMtalks #3 Series: Sharing Session Biomass Implementation as Sustainable Energy Resources for Co-Firing in Coal Power Plant in China and Indonesia.
As part of the efforts to support the development of new renewable energy technologies, PT LAPI ITB, in collaboration with PT Datong Jaya Indonesia and the Center for New and Renewable Energy Research (PPEBT ITB), presents STEAMTalks Series #3 with the theme:
"Technology and Implementation of Biomass Power Generation in China and Indonesia"
This event will feature experts from academia and industry to share insights on the latest innovations in biomass energy and the opportunities for its implementation in Indonesia.
📅 Friday, February 7, 2025
⏰ 08:00 WIB – until finished
📍 ITB Ganesha Campus, DPITM Auditorium Meeting Room, CRiMSE Building (Ex. PAU), 8th floor
✨ Speakers:
🎤 Prof. Hairui Yang – Tsinghua University
🎤 Prof. Ir. Ari Darmawan Pasek, Ph.D. – Head of PPEBT ITB
🎤 Mochamad Soleh – GM, PT PLN (Persero) Puslitbang Ketenagalistrikan
🎤 Bayu Aji Prakoso, S.Si, MBA – Director of Technology, PT Datong Jaya Indonesia
🎤 Ardi Nugroho – Vice President of Technology Development, PT PLN Nusantara Power
🎤 I Wayan Arimbawa Yoga Sedana – Senior Manager, Adipala Power Generation Unit (PLTU Adipala), PT PLN Indonesia Power
🚀 Don't miss this opportunity to gain direct insights from the experts!
🔗 Register now:
📞 Contact: +62 811-1474-255 (Naura)