[PT LAPI ITB & KK ITB Visit] #4

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22 June 2022

The third gathering of PT LAPI ITB & KK ITB was held with a Research Group at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) ITB, june 22, 2022.


At the meeting, PT LAPI ITB had the opportunity to meet with representatives of 16 KK under FMIPA ITB led by the Dean of FMIPA ITB, Mr. Prof. Ir. Wahyu Srigutomo, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.


From PT LAPI ITB, the meeting was attended directly by the President Director of PT LAPI ITB accompanied by the Director of PT LAPI ITB, Senior Manager Operations https://ayovaksin.com/, and Manager Dept. Business Development & Strategic Alliance. At the meeting, it was conveyed that sharing related to various projects that have been carried out by each KK as well as sharing related to existing expertise at FMIPA ITB which can form various future project collaborations with PT LAPI ITB.