On September 6, 2022, PT LAPI ITB continued the series of gatherings to the ITB Research Group which was currently accepted by the Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI) ITB.
The President Director of PT LAPI ITB and the team were received directly by Prof. Brian Yuliarto, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D. as the Dean of FTI ITB along with the Chairmen and Representatives of the FTI ITB KK. In the meeting, sharing and discussions were carried out regarding cooperation opportunities that can be carried out, as well as feedback from lecturers who have collaborated with PT LAPI ITB.
From the meeting, it is hoped that it can be the beginning of the formation of collaboration between PT LAPI ITB and FTI ITB, especially in developing various products for the nation.
[PT LAPI ITB & KK ITB Visit] #13
15 September 2022