PT LAPI ITB Dago 277 Launching

28 June 2023

Last Monday, June 26, 2023, PT LAPI ITB launched the New Office Building of at 277 Ir. H. Juanda St., Dago, Bandung.

The launching event was attended by all Management of PT LAPI ITB, Head of BPUDL ITB, Head of PT ITB Press, Head of PT LAPI Ganeshatama Consulting, and Expert Representatives of PT LAPI ITB.

On the occasion, a discussion related to "The Strategy to Turn PT LAPI ITB into a Company with One Trillion Per Year of Turnover" was also presented by the President Director of PT LAPI ITB and Founder of Proxsis & Company.

The New Office Building of PT LAPI ITB is currently used as a meeting space to support project activities and ITB resources by supporting MSMEs assisted by PT LAPI ITB, the Seketara coffee shop.

This step is expected to continue to support the vision and mission of PT LAPI ITB to provide the best solutions and innovations and achieve the revenue target of IDR 1 trillion per year.