Gathering of ITB's Commercial Business Units with the Rector

07 March 2025

The President Director of PT LAPI ITB, along with the Directors and Commissioners of PT LAPI ITB, attended the Silaturahmi agenda of ITB's Commercial Business Units with BPUDL ITB. The meeting was also attended by the Rector of ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Tatacipta Dirgantara, M.T.

The meeting also served as a farewell and welcome moment for the Head of BPUDL ITB, Mr. Deddy Priatmodjo Koesrindartoto, Ph.D., and Mr. Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Poerbandono, S.T., M.M.

This meeting is expected to strengthen and enhance the synergy and collaboration among ITB's Commercial Business Units.