By empowering ITB resources, PT LAPI ITB provides consultancy service, which includes:


Feasibility Study, Policy Preparation, HR Management and Corporate Organization, Environmental Impact Assessment.


Laboratory and Field Testing for Industrial Material, Energy Audit, Environmental Audit, Structure and Mechanical-Electrical Audit.


Master Plan, Pre-Design, Technical and Cost Planning, Spatial and Landscape Planning, Product Design and Interior Design.


Project Management and Supervision for Civil Activities, Architect, Mechanical and Electrical, as well as Education.


Socio-Economic, Civil, Geology, Geodesy, and Geophysics Survey.


Certificate of Building Proper Function is a certificate issued by the regional government for special building construction by the Government (central) to state the eligibility of the building functions be it for administration or technical purpose, before their utilization.

  1. Checking the Building Function Eligibility,
  2. Ensuring the reliability of all or certain part of the Building,
  3. Verifying the history records of building maintenance activities and the maintenance itself.
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Runway Surface Repair at Soekarno-Hatta Airport
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Construction Management Services for IT Facility Development Area
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Ship Communication System Planning Consultant Services
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Surface Geotechnical Drilling
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Consulting Services for the Implementation of the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) and the Implementation of Gender Equality Programs and Prevention and Handling of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Violence Against Children (KTA)
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Consultant Services for Planning the Semarang-Demak Toll Road Works Integrated with the Semarang Embankment
Economic Impact Study Consulting Services for the Aquabike Jetski World Championship Event
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Reconciliation of BJPSDA Discussion with Perum Jasa Tirta II
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Consulting Services Award from PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional
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Detail Engineering Design (DED) Installation of Solar Power Plants (PLTS) System on Grid based
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Consulting Services for Dili Urban Master Plan Update for the Municipality of Dili
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Provision of Survey Geology, Geotechnics, Hydrology, and Hydrogeology Services
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Power Outage Incident Investigation Consulting Services
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SCADA Power Assessment Services
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Pedestrian Deck Feasibility Study Preparation Consultancy
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Assessment of the Structure of the Administrative Building of PLTU Banten 3 Lontar
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Biodiversity Study
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Engineering Services at Offshore Facilities
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Arrangement of Manggarai Area Masterplan
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BSH Entrance Gate
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Bank of Indonesia Office Building Design
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IP Pelabuhan Ratu
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Final Montase Blok M
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Bandung Smart City
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Study of SFC Power Plant
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Study of PLN UIK TJB Organizational Structure
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Tilting Monitoring and Subsiden Platform
/storage//filemanager/konsultansi/2015 - PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) - Basic Design Pengembangan Bandara Soekarno - Hatta Tahap II (2).png
Basic Design of Soekarno-Hatta Airport Development Phase II
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Assessment Study Grounding and Lightning Protection System (LPS) at PLN Duri Metering Station
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Grand Design Arrangement of Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
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B Building – ITB, Ganesha Street No. 15-B, Bandung – Indonesia, 40132